Welcome to  Quick Term Timing.  QTT provides real time stock market sentiment readings. The QTT tools are helpful in predicting future stock market movement.

To best understand and use this site:
1.  Read the Basics section.
2.  Go thru the tutorial
3.  View a few archive charts
4.  Use the Current Market charts

This site has been designed to give you the REAL sentiment of investors and traders in the market on a short term basis.  The graphs show the deviation from the expected put-call ratio for every 1/2 hour during the market day.  If the current reading is above the "normal" line it means there are too many bulls - expect the market to move lower. Conversely, if the current reading is below the "normal" line there are too many bears - expect the market to rally.  See the tutorial for more info.

Data is provided courtesy of The Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE).  QuickTermTiming is not affiliated with CBOE.

My name is Jim Nissen and I appreciate you stopping by. If you have any questions, please let me know via my Feedback Page or E-mail.

Enjoy yourself and good fortune in your trading. Use these tools to fine tune your own market

P.S. - for ease of use and navigation, clicking on Charts will open a new browser.

Quick Term Timing does Not provide investment advice

Quick Term Timing simply measures the put and call activity on the SPX options
and reports that.  We have charts that show what has happened in the past  --
But there is no guarantee that similar results will occur in the future.

Copyright © 1997 QuickTermTiming.com
All Rights Reserved   

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      Jim Nissen

2005 Traders World
2004 Traders World
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Check out the charts before the almost
400 point Dow Drop on September 9, 2016
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This site does not provide investment advice.
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